Moving your application to the cloud? Awesome, maybe.
Moving your application to the cloud? Awesome, maybe.
No one is looking forward to the long weekend more than cybercriminals. The three-day holiday lends itself to a wide variety of ways to stealing company’s confidential data, trade secrets, and money. As a matter of fact, not just this 3-day holiday but everyday cybercriminals are making their way into businesses trying to steal information. This is why it is so important to train employees on how to spot a possible scam in order to avoid it.
The Coronavirus has brought about some major changes in our daily lives. One change that may be here to stay for some employees is “working from Home”. Whether you are in the office, working from home or both, it is important to keep cybersecurity a top priority.
Security must be seen as an essential part of business and security processes must be an everyday activity, not something you do once and forget about it. We find that security itself changes daily and sometimes even hourly. Every organization can successfully manage their security risks. Here’s some best practices we thought you might be interested in.
As the global pandemic continues, coronavirus (COVID-19) scams are also ramping up.